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I Didn’t Expect That!

We were all just standing around after the service chatting with each other, it’s a small village church so I know mainly everyone there except for one or two new faces.

As we talked the man came up to us and told us that he had just put his faith in Christ and would like to pray with us!

That caught me off guard, I didn’t expect it!

I know that I should expect people to repent, it’s God’s work and He is fully able. It’s just that sometimes when you’re in a little village with 20 people gathered you sort of “lower” your expectations of what God will do.

God reminded me that often he as at work in places that I least expect it! Praise God for one more soul whose faith has found the Savior!

You can watch the video above to see how we spent our Sunday in the village of Makarovo.

2 Responses
  • TCAvey
    November 2, 2016

    Praise God. I love how each of us is valued by God, we are all precious to Him.
    THANK you for sharing. it’s inspiring to hear of God working in the lives of others.

    • Caleb
      November 2, 2016

      It was a great day out in the village TC and it was made even better by the repentance of Victor!