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Living Every Moment with Kingdom Impact -Interview with Paul Sohn

Recently I had the privilege of sitting down with Paul Sohn and discussing what it means to live intentionally as a follower of Christ.

I’ve been reading Paul’s blog, Salt and Light for awhile now and have always benefited from his take on leadership and intentional living from a Biblical perspective.

You can connect with Paul on Twitter and Linkedin

After spending a few hours with Paul I realized that he’s not just a great blogger, this is a guy who has a heart for the Lord and a passion to serve. I came away from our time together encouraged and challenged to live more intentionally in my own life as I pursue God’s calling for me!

Below are a few questions I asked Paul. You can find out how he answered by watching the video in this post.

  • Why is it important for a Christian to live intentionally?
  • How does that affect young people as they make decision on what career path they will go down?
  • What would you identify as one or two of the mistakes young people today make as they look towards their career?

I loved how Paul defined intentional living. Below are a few great quotes I pulled from the interview.

“Living every moment with Kingdom impact where you steward your time talent and treasure as a response to God’s calling in life”

“Living intentionally is really thinking about time which is the most precious resource of all”

“Is this job or is this person advancing the Kingdom of God?”

Take a few minutes and check out the posts which I found especially insightful and challenging. 

How to Connect Sunday Worship to Monday Work

Our Father, the Grand Weaver: by Ravi Zacharias

What if You Only Had One Month to Live?

Question: Have you considered your calling as a Christian? How do you see God calling you to serve Him right now?

15 Responses
  • floyd
    December 20, 2013

    Time is indeed short. My sweet spot is small, but it only needs to reach the ones that God has ordained in His redemption of my life. Good thoughts and interview. “The needs of the world.” That’ll make you think.

    • Paul Sohn
      December 20, 2013

      Thanks Floyd for your thoughts here. Caleb is a godly man who loves the Lord. If you ever have a chance to see him in person, don’t miss the opportunity.

    • Caleb
      December 20, 2013

      Floyd, what amazes me is that when you recognize that what your sweet spot is, how God has gifted you and how he wants you to apply it, then it’s amazing how God can work through you to do things you never thought of.

      Also concerning the needs of the world. This seems to me to be a huge factor that unfortunately many young Christians do not take into account when choosing their career paths.

  • Paul Sohn
    December 20, 2013

    Thanks Caleb for giving the privilege to get to know you better. It was a delight to meet you and Kristina in person. I’m sure our lives with cross again. Until then, let’s continue to equip and encourage each other through our blogging platform.

    • Caleb
      December 20, 2013

      I hope we do get a chance to cross paths again. Thanks for all you do on your blog. I’ve learned a lot and continue to read it! Blessings to you as you look forward to celebrating Christ’s birth!

      • Larry Poole
        December 21, 2013

        Paul & Caleb, great interview.

        I love the idea of finding your vocational sweet spot by serving in an area where your heart breaks (e.g. serving single moms, the homeless, becoming a missionary, etc.).

        I know it was a quick 6-minute video, but this challenged me. I’d love to see more of these in the future.

        • Caleb
          December 21, 2013

          I’m glad you enjoyed in Larry! I’ll have to do some more interviews next year.

  • Dan Black
    December 23, 2013

    I love your thoughts on the 4 circles to our sweet spot! Great job, Paul!

    • Caleb
      December 23, 2013

      I like that idea too Dan, it really helps to nail down that sweet spot!

  • DS
    December 23, 2013

    Very good job Caleb and Paul. I love the exchange you guys were able to do. The other thing I really enjoyed was the discussion of a mindset. God is going to use you wherever you are regardless of you being in the “dream job”. Often times we are not only being used in the present, but being prepared for future use. Unfortunately we miss that prep time while looking into the future for the next thing.

    • Caleb
      December 23, 2013

      David, I agree, God really uses the prep time to mold us and make us what He wants us to be. I remember after the first year of college thinking, “Why is this taking so long? Why do have to go through all these years of study before I can get into ministry?” Now I realize how valuable those years really were!

  • Ngina Otiende
    December 23, 2013

    Love that thought about the bulls eye approach and how we should instead seek the kingdom of God first and the rest shall be added to us. On finding the right person (since i talk about marriage!)- I served at my local church for years and i remember folks telling me to widen my scope and not be so taken by church and high ‘unrealistic’ standards. Well i met my hubby at church, we were serving at our leadership school together. I certainly wasn’t looking… but God was! I agree with you, when we take care of God’s business – keeping His agenda first, He takes care of ours. We get intro trouble when we flip that around. Great insights Paul!

    • Caleb
      December 28, 2013

      Seeking the kingdom of God first will always put things into perspective and give us a firm foundation for any decision in life.

  • Loren Pinilis
    January 10, 2014

    Stewarding your time as a response to God’s calling in life?
    I think I just found a new blog to follow! Awesome interview, Caleb.
    I liked his thought about how calling shouldn’t be a bullseye approach. I think the same is true with marriage and the “soul mate.”

    • Caleb
      January 10, 2014

      Yes, I highly recommend checking out Paul’s blog and giving it a follow. He’s always pushing out a lot of great content, not to mention the fact that he’s just an all around nice guy too!