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Refugees have left -Live Ministry Update

Last night we chatted with a bunch of you about life and ministry here in Odessa Ukraine. Just in case you missed the live video, I’ve posted it below.

A number of people commented that they enjoyed the format, so I think we’ll try to do this again. It’s a great opportunity for you to ask your questions and get an immediate response from us.

As you can see, we had a couple hundred people join us and nearly 100 comments! That’s awesome! We are so grateful for the interaction and for your interest in What God is doing in Ukraine!

Below are a few highlights and prayer requests.


Last month we traveled to our regional conference were our family enjoyed good teaching, good fellowship, some rest and recuperation. We also took a little side trip into Italy to visit some historic sites like Pompeii, and Rome.


All our refugees have dispersed to different areas of Ukraine. A large group went North to a different facility in Donetsk region, while others remained in Odessa but found other housing.

We are still planning to visit some of these refugees and appreciate your prayer for them.


Our church is still working through some doctrinal issues related to demons and healing. I appreciate your prayers for me as I am responsible for teaching in our church. It can be very difficult to balance correct doctrine while also working for the unity of the church. I need great wisdom!

Good Soil:

Last Sunday I participated in a missions conference in Kremenchug, Ukraine. This Church has really grabbed the idea of missions and pushing forward, exhorting their young people to give up their lives to follow Jesus and to bring the Gospel to other nations and people!

Several of the youth encouraged me with their desire to go into missions full time!

We have started a new Russian language blog called “Evangelism Today”  The purpose is to provide helpful teaching and to exhort believers towards Biblical evangelism and discipleship. I’ve been spending much time lately writing articles for the site.
If you know of any Russian speakers who could benefit from Biblically based evangelism and discipleship would you send them a link to our new blog?
Finally we have just started the process of translating our Good Soil material into Ukrainian, currently we only have Russian. This will allow us to minister to Churches in Western Ukraine.
If you’d like to know how you can help with this project, send me a note and let me know.