There is nothing more encouraging than receiving a letter, phone call or even a package, so if you’d like to get in touch with us we will be very happy to hear from you. We are 10 hours ahead of PST and 7 hours ahead of EST. Mail gets through to us pretty consistently but it can take a few weeks.
If you’d like to send a package and you don’t know of a good shipping company, just send us a note and we can help you with that.
ABWE Address(You can send donations to this address, just include our name and account #013354) P.O. Box 8585
UkrainePlease use the form below to contact us about how to send mail/packages directly to us in Ukraine Phone: (253) 203-6749 (This is a VOIP phone # that we use in Ukraine and US. Remember, Ukraine is 7hrs ahead of EST and 10hrs ahead of PST)
Church Address(From time to time our Church sends us packages, so if you have something small that you’s like them to stick in a bigger package then you can send it to them.) Discovery Baptist Church