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Dear Tabernacle Baptist Church,

Christina and I want you to know how grateful we are for your long term faithful commitment to the work that God has chosen to do through us in Ukraine! We love you and are blessed to have you by our sides as we serve the Savior.

We are praying that God give you and a gospel passion as you seek to share the Good News with the people in the Seattle area.

This Sunday I was able to share a little of what God is doing in Ukraine and how we are engaged in the work of the Kingdom. I wish we could spend more time talking about how God in His mercy has opened doors of ministry for us.

I hope you’ll pray for us during this time in the States. It’s not easy for us to leave ministry behind in Ukraine and we worry about our Church there in Odessa, and the continuation of various ministries. We will be in the US until Feb 15, 2018, every Sunday we sharing in different churches, encouraging and exhorting them to fulfil the great commission. Please pray for us during this intense time of travel and ministry.

That being said we realize the vital significance of preaching and sharing in churches here in the US too. We know that it’s not really just about finding the financial support we need but more importantly about calling the Church of God to rise up, preach the Gospel, share the riches of Jesus, and expand the Kingdom of God for the glory of our King Jesus! And we are excited and honored to do that work whether in Ukraine or in the US or in any other place where the Gospel needs to be preached!

Here are a few ways you can be praying for us during our travels in the US.

  1. Pray for spiritual growth and life for both Christina and I as we minister here.
  2. Pray for our children, for homeschool on the move and for their faith.
  3. Pray for our Church back in Odessa, Ukraine in our absence.
  4. Pray for Caleb as he works on several writing projects and continues to oversee seminars in Ukraine.
  5. Pray for Christina as she tries keep the kids schooling on track while traveling this year.
  6. Pray for safety as we travel many miles.
  7. Pray for God to work through us and to use us as tools for His glory

For His glory!

Caleb, Christina and the kids

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