Looking back to our wedding, 15 years ago today, I’m more in awe than ever at God’s merciful hand in leading me to a beautiful and godly woman.
Everyone Say “Cheese”! June Family Picture
We finally rounded up all the kids for another Suko family photo and this is how it came out. If you’d like to download a hi-res version you can do that here.
Christina Answers Your Questions
My niece asked me a few question about missionary life for her site and I thought it would be fun to share the answers with you too.
Learn Russian -Lesson #1
My grandparents suggested I do this course. Hope you enjoy.
PS: Comment if you have any suggestions for my next Russian lesson!
Summer Break!
I’ve just finished my 7th grade year and I’m excited for summer break and 8th grade! I had a lot of changes this year because it’s my first grade in junior high.
Merry Christmas!
May Christ be at the center of your celebration this year. Christmas blessings from the Suko family.
PS Sorry about the snowflakes,