In this episode of The Gospel Today I talk about the blessedness of persecution. I share with you some of the story of Richard Wurmbrand and I talk about how we can prepare ourselves for persecution.
“What if…” Chapter 3, What Is Worry?
Worry and anxiety are the weeds of the mind and spirit. Do nothing and they will grow! Leave them alone hoping that they will go away,
Summer Update
Here’s a quick summer update, there will be more to come soon!
Here’s a brief overview:
- Coronavirus situation in Ukraine is getting worse,
“What if…” Chapter 2, The Acceptable Sin
“Every culture, every time period, and often every church has a few sins that are considered acceptable. For the patriarchs,
The Do’s and Don’ts of Attending Your Church’s Online Easter Service
Everyone is getting ready for the biggest Christian holiday of the year. The one Sunday when those who haven’t been to church for months climb out of their den’s to see what the church can offer them.
“What if…” Chapter 1, How We Start
Friends many people are struggling with worry, fear and anxiety during these unusual times. I decided to record a few chapters from by book “What if…
How to Use Quarantine to Advance the Gospel, 5 Things You can do
Everyone seems to be rethinking how they can continue to minister and preach the gospel during these days of quarantine because of the Coronavirus.
The Coronavirus, How Should Christians Respond?
In this episode I talk about how Christians should respond to the Coronavirus and how we can use it for the Gospel.
10 Uncomfortable Questions on Love and Marriage
Christina and I decided to ask each other some tough questions about love and marriage. In the end marriage and the gospel are closely tied.
Why Did Jesus Need to Get Baptized if He Was Sinless?
John came with a baptism of repentance, yet Jesus wanted to be baptized by John. If Jesus didn’t need to repent,
Are You Planning for the Gospel in 2020?
How are you planning to input and record gospel goals for your life in 2020?
If you have a some helpful suggestions,
A New Podcast for 2020
As we start 2020 I want to wish many blessings in this new year. In this short episode I talk about the new name for the podcast and a plans for this year.