1st Bell, 1st Grade!
Congratulations to Noami and Mishael on the new school year that started today. Especially congratulations to Mishael who is now in 1st grade.
Hope for People Baptism
Today our church “Hope for People” had their baptism service at on the Black sea. The service was actually about 45 minutes out of town where there is a small Christian camp.
Evangelism or Baptism?
Today was baptism Sunday at Periyesup Baptist Church (the mother church to our church plant). There were also two other daughter churches represented from the villages of Makarovo and Sakhanskoy.
S.A.L.T. = Saints Applying Living Truth
Our sending church, Discovery Baptist recently began small groups called “Salt Groups”.
In bloom
We traveled out to Makarovo village today to visit them before we head to the states for a few weeks.