Last week I traveled to the town of Svyatohirs’k in the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine where I met with leaders from 20 churches in and around the war zone.
All Baptist Union Churches Shutdown by Authorities in Eastern Ukraine
Police enter the room where the small church gathers as they sing the words of the chorus “Christ is with me”
What’s Going on in Ukraine
Here are a few news items about Ukraine and about our ministry here. I hope you’ll take a few moments to read through them and pray for Ukraine.
Men in Military Uniforms Ransack Church in Eastern Ukraine
Some sad and disturbing news from our brothers and sisters in the Separatist controlled area of Eastern Ukraine. I recently wrote about this new law which has many churches in Eastern Ukraine worried about government persecution.
Heaviest Fighting Since 2015 in Eastern Ukraine

War has returned with a vengeance to Eastern Ukraine! Not that it ever really left but only quieted down for a time.