Last week I sat down with Noelle to talk with her about her plans after she graduates from high school.
What Is A Mother
In the past few decades here in the US the idea of “choice” has rocketed to fame in such a way that you might think it is some new idolized boy band.
Our Son Left Us and This Is How We Dealt With It

Recently our oldest son Mishael left us and moved to the US. This is our second child to leave the home.
Soviet Toilet Paper DIY and Other Tips to Get You Through Quarantine
Christina and I share with you 12 tips on how to get through quarantine.
Naomi Talks about Life in Chile |Season 5 Episode 3

I decided to check up on my daughter after she met someone online, married him, and then moved to South America.
How to Become a Grandparent
Recently something life changing happened, I became a grandfather for the first time!
Our daughter Naomi gave birth to little Philippa Jane Whitaker Suko on Sept 4th 2018.
Why We Let Our Daughter Marry a Guy She Met Online | Season 3 Episode 11

When I found out my daughter was communicating with a guy from South American that she had met online I was concerned.
“My Wife Doesn’t Want to Go to Church Anymore” | Part 2
In part one of this article we settle some possible problems in our thinking about this issue. Now let’s take a look at a 7 things you can do if your wife has lost interest in spiritual things.
#69 This is What the Next Generation Really Needs
Once as a 4 year old I was misbehaving in Church so my mom took me and sat me on the lap of an old WWII veteran but not even his strong arms could stop me from my naughty ways.