A crossless Christianity
I’m thankful for the strength of many churches in the US but at the same time I realize that we live in a time of great challenge and opposition to the church.
A crossless Christianity
I’m thankful for the strength of many churches in the US but at the same time I realize that we live in a time of great challenge and opposition to the church.
There are only two reasons for shipwrecks; one is navigational error, the other is mechanical error.
Paul tells young Timothy that there are also two reasons that people shipwreck their faith;
German Lutherans lived in Southern Ukraine for about 140 years. They built towns and large church buildings, yet when they left their faith left too.
How are you planning to input and record gospel goals for your life in 2020?
If you have a some helpful suggestions,
Does God really have a wonderful plan for your life? Sometimes we begin our evangelism with that statement, “God has a wonderful plan for your life!”
Looking out over the Evangelical churches today I’m concerned when I see that some of them tend to steer wide of clear gospel preaching in their churches.
“There are different periods in the life of every church and now is one of those times when we just need to focus on strengthening the people who remain in our church rather than trying to share the gospel with unbelievers.”
Believe it or not,
If you grew up in an Evangelical Church, there’s a good chance you are familiar with “The Sinner’s Prayer.” This is a prayer that is often used in evangelical outreaches at the end the service.
Today at age 99 Billy Graham passed into the presence of his Savior.
According to biographer Terry Whalin Graham preached the gospel to more people in person than anyone else in the history of Christianity.