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30 Church Leaders and a Blizzard

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Once a year we gather our bible school directors and teacher for a time of training, encouragement and fellowship. This we held the conference on the 14-16 of December. We were hit by a blizzard on the 16th, highways were closed, trains were stopped and transportion came to a near standstill as a result most of our attendees did not make it home until the following day.

A group of us took advantage of the afternoon break to play a quick game of soccer.

Dr. Gunn explaining some “big” concept to the participants.

One of our Moldovan church leaders taking notes in his native language.

The whole group.

Victor finished all 3 levels of our program and was honored for his accomplishment.

Heading out on Wednesday with a big blizzard coming in. We all eventually made it to Odessa, but most had to spend the night in Odessa because the trains and buses were delayed or not running.