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A Shocking Answer to Prayer in Eastern Ukraine

Have you ever prayed for something that you didn’t expect God to do, then when God does it you’re shocked?

That’s exactly what God did in one Church in Eastern Ukraine this week!

church antratsit

Church Building Seized

In early September Russian backed separatists armed with machine guns marched into the Church in the city of Antratsit and gave the church members 20 mins to vacate the premises. You can read the rest of that story here.

Since the building was seized we’ve been praying for it to be returned to the people. However, I have to tell you that I honestly didn’t have much hope. I prayed, but in the back of my mind I assumed that it wouldn’t happen.

Church Building Returned

This week I received the letter below from one of the church leaders in Antratsit. I couldn’t believe what I was reading! The Separatist fighters had returned the building!

Greetings to you with the love of Jesus Christ.

A big thank you from the church for your partnership in the needs of the saints who are in the war zone. I want to quickly tell you about something that has filled us with joy.

The house of prayer that had been seized has been returned to the church! In addition to this they also left us a letter stating that the military forces would no longer touch our prayer house.

This is a miracle from the Lord!

This Sunday the church had its first worship service back in their building. The building is once again working as a center for spiritual and humanitarian needs, a place where people can receive spiritual and humanitarian help.

Those active in the church continue to disburse help for those in need with-in the church as well as to unbelievers and to preach the gospel of Christ. There has been a little relief in the situation for some of the retirees because they were able to go out of the conflict zone and receive their pensions. However, we just received information that people who live in the territory that is not controlled by Ukraine will no longer be able to receive their pensions. Unfortunately, this will again result in some big needs.

We are seeing a new wave of people who want to leave our region and a large number of people who are hungry. Currently we are preparing to meet with people who have all kinds of different needs in our church building.

Pray and continue to pray for our area we are in need of your support.

May God bless you!!!

You Are Out of Your Mind!

God reminded me of how the believers responded in Acts 12:15 when an angel miraculously released Peter from prison. They were praying but they didn’t exactly believe God had done what they were praying for.

Recognizing Peter’s voice, in her joy she did not open the gate but ran in and reported that Peter was standing at the gate. They said to her, “You are out of your mind.” But she kept insisting that it was so, and they kept saying, “It is his angel!” But Peter continued knocking, and when they opened, they saw him and were amazed. Acts 12:14-16

Unfortunately we often doubt that God can do what we are asking him to do.

The Needs Are Still Great

While we rejoice with the Church in Antratsit we also understand that the needs are still great in Eastern Ukraine. I’d like to ask you to pray for several things in particular.

  • Pray for the war to end and peace in Eastern Ukraine.
  • Pray for ministers in the war zone to be bold and to have wisdom.
  • Pray for the protection and provision of brothers and sisters in Christ who are caught in the fighting.
  • Pray for the Church in Antratsit to know how to effectively use their facility now that it is back in their hands.

Finally I just want to remind you that you can also help.

Question: Can you tell me how God has answered a prayer you didn’t expect he’d answer?

4 Responses
  • TCAvey
    November 21, 2014

    Praise God! That is so wonderful…but much work still to do and prayers to be prayed.

    Seems lately God has been showing up big in my life and my families! We prayed for a few years for a new job for my spouse and this year God provided! We prayed for a new home and this year, God provided!

    Just this morning I prayed for a way to pay a bill to be paid for…and it was!

    God is so good. I tell of the things He’s doing in my life all day long and still only scratch the surface!

    • Caleb
      November 21, 2014

      Thanks for sharing how God answer those prayers for you TC. I think we need to remind ourselves of these things often!

  • Loren Pinilis
    November 22, 2014

    When my infant son was having seizures, we prayed for healing, of course. We took him all over to various hospitals getting various tests. In the back of my mind, I was preparing to hear that he would require brain surgery or heart surgery. Every test came back fine – good news, but still frustrating because we didn’t have a cause. Finally on a whim one doctor tested him for an iron deficiency. All he needed was to take some vitamins! He’s fine today. And I remember at the time being so convicted that God could answer my prayers in ways more amazing than I would have even hoped for.

    • Caleb
      November 22, 2014

      Great story Loren! Thanks for sharing. I’m glad it was such a simple solution. What a reminder that God does listen and answer our prayers!