The second bomb blast in a week happened today in Odessa. (You can read about the previous one here) The bomb exploded in the middle of the night and did much damage to the building. Thankfully no one was injured. This appears to be another terrorist attack since the targeted building was home to a humanitarian organization that is sending aid to Ukrainian soldiers.
Here are a few ways you can pray in light of these recent attacks outside of the war zone.
Pray that the people of Odessa would not give in to these threats.
- Pray that the city leadership would respond appropriately.
- Pray that there would be no violent protests as a result of these attacks.
- Pray that believers would be agents of peace.
December 10, 2014I’m praying, brother. The fallen world can’t help itself…
December 12, 2014Thanks Floyd! I’m back in Odessa now with my family and for now things are calm here.
December 10, 2014Praise God that no one was hurt.
Praying for you all.
December 12, 2014Thank you TC!
December 11, 2014Praying with you in those specific ways!
December 12, 2014Amy, thanks for praying, give our greetings to everyone at Bethany!
Loren Pinilis
December 11, 2014Will definitely be praying!
December 12, 2014Thanks Loren, we appreciate it!
Dan Black
December 11, 2014Thank you for the update, I’ll be praying.
December 12, 2014You bet Dan! Thanks for your prayers!