I’ve had full beard for the better part of 20 years now and over time it’s really grown on me! Ok, sorry for the beard pun, let’s move on!
The last time I completely shaved my face was probably over 10 years ago. Honestly I can’t remember, all I know is that after looking in the mirror I threw my razor in the garbage and immediately grew my beard out again!
I hope that my beard has had a positive impact on other men in my life and I think it has. I’ve noticed a subtle trend in our church towards more facial fuzz over the past few years.
I also get a lot of questions about facial fleece and so I have finally decided to pull back the whiskers and give you a few good reasons why being wooly is wonderful.
So here’s my big list of reasons why every man should go unshorn!
- It’s the way God made you
- The Bible prohibits shaving
- It saves times (Time you could be doing other useful and manly things)
- You’re never confused for the more fragile sex
- You’re never confused for being a wimp
- It demands respect
- It’s all natural sunscreen for the summer
- It’s keeps you warm in the winter
- It saves you money (I figure I save at least 100$ a year!)
- You look better
- No razor burn or nicks
- No 5 o’clock shadow to be worried about
- It can hide your double chin
- It’s a sign of maturity
- In many cultures it’s also a sign of spirituality authority
- Santa Clause had a beard and who doesn’t love him?
- Many great preachers, like Spurgeon, had beards (Check out beardedgospelmen.net)
- Even better, Jesus had a beard! (Don’t believe me? Check out Isaiah 50:6!)
If you don’t have a beard then what’s keeping you from starting on that man fur right now?
If you do have a beard what would you add to my list?
Debi @ DebiStangeland.com
July 20, 2013I’ve always been particular to a man in a beard – case in point: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/314047_10151385774514236_763321347_n.jpg
July 20, 2013Looks like you and Christina have similar taste when it comes to facial hair!
Ridgely Hoyt-Whitaker
July 20, 2013I think beards are wonderful, I married one! Actually I’ve never seen my husband without a beard, he’s had it since the 1970’s….I’m thinkin’ he doesn’t have a chin! 🙂 Keep the beard!!!
July 20, 2013Well, that’s much longer than I’ve had my beard! Don’t worry I’m not planning to shave anytime soon!
July 20, 2013Caleb! Your beard is the best beard I know of! One day mine will hopefully be half as awesome as yours!
July 21, 2013Thanks for your approval Joel!
John Hanson
July 21, 2013I just had to reply to this post!
I have enjoyed growing out a goatee many times, but the “grooming policy” at my job does not permit a full beard. Bummer!
It does permit the goatee, which i sport from time to time. The problem with the goatee is my wife does not like how “it scratches” her.
You win some, you lose some. The really sad part about it for me is that i grow hair faster on my face than i do on the top of my head. Oh well.
July 21, 2013John I take it your employers haven’t read this post yet, maybe you should send it to them 🙂
Try this with your wife, tell her that facial hair is insurance that you won’t be kissed by any other woman!
Thanks for commenting!
July 22, 2013It’s interesting because beards seem to be increasing in popularity again. In the States, I wonder if this is related to the increasing popularity of Duck Dynasty. As for me, my employment requires a close shave – plus I’m not sure I’m capable of the type of scruff you’re describing!
July 22, 2013I’m not familiar with Duck Dynasty but I agree that in general beards are more common than they were 20 years ago.
Loren Pinilis
July 23, 2013I have a beard but I keep it shaved pretty close. Otherwise, it just gets curly and coarse and looks unkept pretty easily. I still have to shave though – I have a pretty wicked neck beard. So it looks really goofy if I just don’t shave at all.
July 23, 2013Loren I’m glad that you are enjoying the benefits of having a beard! My wife doesn’t like it when my beard get’s too long so I usually keep it shorter. On this trip to Russia I let it grow out a little. It helps me connect with people as beards are generally kept by priests here.
Dan Black
July 24, 2013Reading your post reminded me about the TV show Duck Dynasty (Not sure if you have seen the show but you can Google it). They are making beards cool again. Interesting post topic.
July 24, 2013Dan, I’ve never seen the show but you’re the second person to mention it so I’m going to check it out. We don’t really have tv here so I’m usually not up on those things.
bill (cycleguy)
July 24, 2013Hey Caleb. I don’t have beard envy. I have head-hair envy. Yeah, I am follically-challenged on top. Every winter I used to grow my beard since it was so cold. But always shaved it when it warmed up. Then I grew one and had it year round for close 8 years. One summer I shaved it into a goatee. Not the smartest thing since I cycle and shaving the beard left a big white mark on my face. Since then I would start growing it and have a nice close-shaved one, but my wife, who used to like my beard, expresses her dislike for it. Why? I have more hair on my face than on my head. So I now go beardless but still have the goat.
July 25, 2013Bill, I used to do the gotee in the summer too, but I haven’t done it for the past 10 years or so. People ask me if my beard is hot, but I usually keep it shorter in the summer and I think it works like wool to keep me cool. Thanks for sharing your beard story!
July 25, 2013It can hide your double chin.
Santa Clause had a beard and who doesn’t love him?
– great Idea.
July 25, 2013Ratz, it’s true, beards are useful! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Gloria Mae Butler
September 18, 2013Good morning! I enjoyed your video of how you met and the take of your beard. It is indeed attractive. My husband grew one for our yearly Prospectors Days celebration to see who could grow the longest. He was the mine’s under groud surveyor at the time. Well, he won! Day later he came out of the bath room clean shaven..I asked why as I kind of liked it…he said it drove him crazy and he was coiunting the days when he could shave it off…it was itchy and very uncomfortable he said…so, as husbands and wives should be able to compromise I guess this is the one for us! He did look very handsome with it! I have a picture of it so guess that will be ok if that is all we ever have to disagree on! Have a wonder day and God bless!! 🙂
September 18, 2013Gloria, I’m so glad you were able to watch the video about how we met. Christina and I had fun making the video. Good thing you got a picture of your husband with the beard. I hear a lot of guys say they don’t like the beard because it itches, I usually tell them that the itching stops after you’ve had a beard for a year or two!
Eccentric Owl
July 30, 2014Santa Clause had a beard and who doesn’t love him?” – haha!
Where does the Bible prohibit shaving? I never knew that.
July 31, 2014Yes, it’s there, but it’s probably not a text you memorized in Sunday School! Check out Leviticus 19:27.