It seems like everyone is talking about the elections but did you know that tomorrow is voting day? However, unless you are a Ukrainian citizen you don’t have to run to the polling booth quite yet.
The Loss of Responsibility
Have you noticed lately that there are fewer and fewer people who are willing to take responsibility for anything? Recently I’ve noticed this in politics,
CMI Open House
In our October update I asked to you pray for our institute’s open house which we had this past Sunday and I just want to say,
Visas, Registration and Chronological Bible Teaching
God did some amazing things in our lives over the past month and I want to start off by thanking you for praying for me as I did Dima an Ivanka’s wedding.
2 Weddings in 1 Day
So what did I do on Saturday? Well, among other things I officiated two weddings! Dima surprised his finance Ivanka with a short beach wedding just outside of Odessa on the shore of the Black Sea.
Baptism in the Black Sea
I’ve always loved baptisms, it is a time that exudes hope and new life. However, since moving to Ukraine I think I have started to like them even more!
Ministry in Moldova and CMI Open House
Va salut cu pacea Domnului!
Now if you can tell me what language that is in and more importantly what it means then let me know in the comments below.
Interview with Church Planter Vasiliy Kaletnik
My trip to Moldova last week really blessed me (check out the post here if you missed it).
Ministry in Faleshti, Moldova
I left Odessa early Saturday morning with my father and my father-in-law for a weekend of ministry in and around the town of Faleshti,
2 Villages, 1 Birthday and Many Blessings!
Last weekend I picked up my parents in Kiev where they had been visiting with my sister who recently had a baby.
A New Pastor and Church Camp
Dear friends,
On July 8th our church ordained Mikhael Rodoslavov for the ministry of pastor. This was the first ordination in our church and it signifies a great step.
The Laying on of Hands
Yesterday about 400 people showed up for a unique service at our church. We held the meeting outdoors to accommodate the large # of guests,