Tomorrow we were planning to pack the family in the van and head off to Western, Ukraine for a 3 day conference and now we are not!
God sent a blizzard our way!

Just because it’s the end of March doesn’t mean there can’t be another good blizzard!
A blizzard is moving in on Ukraine and has already dumped a ton of snow in Western and Northern Ukraine and now it’s forcing us to change our plans.
I’m hoping we can still make it but we’ll get there a day or two later than we had planned. Is it ironic that I’m finding myself in a situation where I need to be flexible just a few days after writing a post on the importance of being flexible in ministry?
2 New Schools
Despite the blizzard there are some pretty awesome things happening this week in our ministry! On Tuesday our church, Hope for People opened a new Bible school. We had over 20 students show up which was a surprise. This Saturday another Bible school will be opening at Holy Trinity Church.
You can read a little more about these two new schools on the CMI’s website.
Missionary Conference
If this blizzard does let up then we will be heading to Western Ukraine with family in the next day or two. We will be meeting with our fellow missionaries from all over Ukraine to evaluate our ministries and make plans for the future.
Here’s how you can pray for us over the next week.
- Pray for good weather and safety on the road.
- Pray for wisdom for me in deciding when to leave.
- Pray for God’s leading during our conference.
- Pray for unity and vision for our team of missionaries.
March 23, 2013Dear Caleb,
Flexibility becomes your second name when you are a part of God’s eternal family. Thousands of times God has changed our plans and redirected our paths. I do not know all of the “hidden” times of protection from various situations that He in His sovereign grace has protected us from but the Heavenly Father is creating many opportunities for us to practice thanking Him. In everything give thanks…”everything Father?”…Given the fact that it is He that is in us and that He wants us to walk in obedience to his direction and redirection, by and by the habit of rejoicing and giving thanks becomes more ingrained. Sometimes it is a test too, to see if we have a complaining spirit or whether or not we will be obedient to give thanks in all things….may God richly bless your gift of time with your own family…praising God who sends the weather on the just and on the unjust. sometimes delays have meant an encounter with someone who needs more of Jesus or doen’t yet know Him. Love to your and your family as you yield the wonderful fruit of patience.
March 23, 2013Gail thanks for your encouragement.
Loren Pinilis
March 23, 2013Wow, that looks cold. Hope all goes well when you did get to head out!
March 23, 2013Still stuck at home, probably won’t be leaving until Monday.