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Our Last Family Photo

I’m glad that we took the opportunity on Sunday to snap a family photo in our church yard as we left. It seems like it’s getting harder and harder these days to gather all the children for a picture.

This was our last Sunday here in Ukraine so we thought it would be good to get a picture before we stepped on the airplane to make the long journey back to the USA.


This kids are excited to see grandma and grandpa and their Stateside cousins. Christina and I are also excited and also a little worn out from all the packing, cleaning and finishing up of last minute details.

In just a few hours we are heading to the airport in Kiev. Our flight leaves at 6:10 AM Tuesday morning, which means we’ll be getting up at 3:00 AM! We first fly to Amsterdam and then to Seattle.

I’m keeping this short so I can get some sleep!

We appreciate your prayers and look forward to seeing many of you on the other side of the pond!

P.S. Do you have any good tips on how to quickly get over jet lag?

If you want to connect with us while we are in the US check out our schedule and send me a note.

19 Responses
  • Bill (cycleguy)
    October 15, 2013

    Nice picture except for the gray-headed guy. 🙂 Hope you have a safe flight and a more than excellent time in the States. Wish I could see you but as you know you are no where close. Blessings by Ukrainian friend.

    • Caleb
      October 17, 2013

      Hey I’m proud of the gray hair God has given me 😉 Thanks for your prayers Bill!

  • Dave Arnold
    October 15, 2013

    Save travels! I will say a prayer for you all. Beautiful family too 🙂

    • Caleb
      October 17, 2013

      Thanks Dave! We made it safely to the other side of the world and now we just need to unpack and fight this jet lag!

  • Bethany Ferrari
    October 15, 2013

    The best way I’ve always gotten over jetlag is to only go to bed when it’s the hour of your normal bedtime…. No matter how tired you are, or no matter how wide awake you are. I’m always over jet lag within two or three days this way.

    • Caleb
      October 17, 2013

      Good advice Bethany. I managed to stay up until 9:30pm last night. Everyone else was out around 8pm, that’s not too bad!

      Btw, Naomi’s going to miss not being at the conference in the Dec.

      • Bethany Ferrari
        October 17, 2013

        Awww, I’m sad she’s not going to be there too… 🙁

  • Kari Scare
    October 15, 2013

    My husband has travelled for work a lot over the past 20 years, and he would tell you to get into whatever time zone you’re in as quicky as possible. He would also suggest the occasional power nap to recharge. I would tell you to drink caffeine 😉 To redeem myself, I would also say to stay hydrated as you travel. Helps your body function at maximum capacity.

    • Caleb
      October 17, 2013

      I’ve heard the advice about staying hydrated. The air on the plane can really dry you out. I think it does help to stay hydrated, on the other hand we’re always telling the kids not to drink too much to avoid constant trips to the toilet.

      • Kari Scare
        October 17, 2013

        Personally, I’m okay with some bathroom trips compared to the crankiness of dehydration. Plus, getting up and moving around is also a good idea.

  • floyd
    October 15, 2013

    Great picture! Praying for a safe trip. Jet lag? Sleep, brother… sleep…

    • Caleb
      October 17, 2013

      Thanks Floyd! Sleeping isn’t the problem, it’s the timing that get’s to me. But I agree, sleep is what we need!

  • Loren Pinilis
    October 16, 2013

    Good luck, Caleb. I’ll be praying!

    • Caleb
      October 17, 2013

      Thanks for the prayers Loren. We made it safely, the kids are super excited to see all their cousins and American granparents.

  • David Bartosik
    October 18, 2013

    no good tips but if you’re in so cal cup of coffee on me!

    • Caleb
      October 18, 2013

      I’ll be at the Shepherd’s conference in March, is that anywhere near you?

  • Caleb
    October 18, 2013

    Yes, we are looking forward to coming up to Bellingham in December too!

  • TCAvey
    October 22, 2013

    NO good tips from me. I haven’t traveled much. Thanks for sharing. I checked your schedule, you won’t be near me but I look forward to reading your posts. God bless and glad you arrived safely.

    • Caleb
      October 22, 2013

      Thanks TC!