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Over the Moutains

Last Saturday Christina, Anastasia and I drove from our home in Tacoma over the mountains to Moses Lake. Many people were praying for us because the pass had recently received a lot of snow.

The walls of plowed snow on the side of the road were over 10 feet high in places.

On Sunday morning we spoke for Sunday School and the AM worship service at First Baptist in Soap Lake. We were encouraged by the great group that braved the snow and came to worship the Lord with us on Sunday morning.

After the morning services we grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed over to Ephrata (about 7-8 miles away). We arrived in time for the 1:00 pm service at the Slavic Baptist Church in Ephrata!

It turned out to be a great service with lots of music and four sermons! I was the fourth!

Once the afternoon service was finished we headed downstairs for a wonderful Russian style potluck. This was completely unexpected but, of course, we decided to stay and enjoy ourselves. I am not sure what was better, the food or the great fellowship we had with our brothers and sisters in Christ!

The potluck at the Slavic church ended just in time for us to head back to Soap Lake to speak in their evening service. A few a of people from the Slavic church decided to come with us so they could hear more about our ministry in Ukraine.

Pastor Andrew and his wife Hannah have a little boy, Samuel, who is just a few days younger than our Anastasia. Although he is a bit younger we found out that he is also about 7 pounds heavier! Little Anastasia really is our litle ballerina.