This Christmas we are taking the Gospel to Ukrainian soldiers.
3.5 years of war have brought much hardship on the Ukrainian people. For thousands of young men who received a draft notice in the mail it has meant mandatory service in the army.
- Our goal – Give the Gospel to soldiers in a medium they can use.
- Plan – The team is planning to visit 8-9 camps/bases, in each place they will put on a concert with Christian music, preach the gospel, give our free Mp3 players and treats to the soldiers.
- When 3-8 January 2018
- Who – Our team will consist of about a dozen believers from churches in Odessa, Buyalick, and Western Ukraine.
- Cost – Each gift packet will cost around $4. The team plans to give gifts to about 1,000 soldiers.
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Loading up Scripture and Bible reading to the Mp3 players for soldiers

Gift packet for soldiers

Soldiers line up on the front lines of the war in Ukraine

These apartment buildings show the signs of war

A few of the soldiers who received the gift packets