John came with a baptism of repentance, yet Jesus wanted to be baptized by John. If Jesus didn’t need to repent,
Summer Is Over! Ministry Update
Can you believe summer is already over? I just dropped our kids off for the second day of school! Yes,
Is the Social Gospel Really Gospel? | Season 2 Episode 2
The social gospel seeks to bring about change in society by applying Biblical principles to problems like poverty, hunger, and lack of education.
Dangerous Baptisms and Bath water Christians
What do you think of when you think of baptism?
If you’re from a North American context like me you most likely have a picture of a baptistery filled with warm water in a proper church sanctuary.
Not Even War Will Stop the Church in Ukraine!
I’ve never lived in a country that was at war with-in its own borders! Knowing that I could get in my car and be in a war zone in just a few hours somehow changes your perspective.
And Now for Some Good News!
I’m taking a short break from the news on Ukraine to share with you some really good news today!
This past Sunday 8 people publicly confessed their faith in Jesus and were baptized in our home church,
Black Sea Baptism
Thank you for praying for our baptism. Our church gathered on the shore of the Black Sea at 8:30 on Sunday morning to watch 13 young people show their faith in Jesus through the act of baptism.
#06 Eight Fallacies about Baptism and Three Truths -Podcast
This Sunday our church will baptize 13 people and I’m excited! I’ve thought a lot about the significance of baptism as I prepare to preach.
2 Verses Few Christians Believe
Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples.
Mat 28:19-20
(19) Go therefore and make disciples of all nations,
What Would You Tell Someone Who Just Got Baptized?
On August 18th our church is planning to baptize about 12 people. We will gather on the shore of the Black Sea at 8:30 am where we will hold a short service and do the baptism.
Baptism in the Black Sea
I’ve always loved baptisms, it is a time that exudes hope and new life. However, since moving to Ukraine I think I have started to like them even more!
Ministry in Moldova and CMI Open House
Va salut cu pacea Domnului!
Now if you can tell me what language that is in and more importantly what it means then let me know in the comments below.