We recently translated “The Story of Hope” into Ukrainian and have printed 50 copies to test. Once we receive feedback we will be printing 1,000 copies to be used by churches in Ukraine to share the Gospel in a chronological and Biblical way.
The Legacy of Billy Graham
Today at age 99 Billy Graham passed into the presence of his Savior.
According to biographer Terry Whalin Graham preached the gospel to more people in person than anyone else in the history of Christianity.
What Is Repentance? | Gospel Basics Sermon Series #1
The gospel of Jesus Christ is a message that from the beginning destroyed human traditions, social customs, and cultural norms.
A Ticket to Heaven | Gospel Mistake #3
Did you know that up to 30% of students who get accepted into universities or colleges never show up in the Fall?
Just Pray the Sinner’s Prayer | Gospel Mistake #2
Many believe they are “saved” because they can recall a time, probably in their childhood, when they repeated a prayer or came forward during a church service or maybe they raised their hand when an invitation was given while everyone’s heads were bowed and eyes were closed.
What Happens When the Church Stops Sharing the Gospel | Season 3 Episode 8
In this episode of “Now Is the Time” I give you 10 negative results of a failure to share the gospel in our churches.
Easter in A Ukrainian Village

This Resurrection weekend we visited our sister church in the village of Limany to help them celebrate.
I Saw Jesus and This Is What He Looks Like | Season 3 Episode 5
I haven’t told many people this but about 13 years ago I saw Jesus in person and talked with him.