I took the liberty to rewrite a few of Luther’s 95 theses as I think he would have written them if he lived today.
What Is the 100 Fold Principle?
Listen many contemporary prosperity preachers and he or she will tell you that following Jesus will get you a better car,
God Wants You to Be Wealthy | Gospel Mistake #1
Jesus promised his disciples great wealth in this world if they gave up all to follow him. Sometimes this is known as the 100 fold principle.
Where’s the House Jesus Promised Me? | Season 3 Episode 9
Did you know that Jesus promised that his followers would receive houses here on earth? Some call this promise the “100 fold”
Modern-Day Indulgences
If you think indulgences are an ancient practice of the Catholic Church that have long been forgotten, you’re greatly mistaken.
7 Ways the Prosperity Gospel Short-circuits Your Spiritual Growth
The peddlers of the prosperity gospel promise a short-cut to the joys of heaven that will bypass the trials of earthly life and deliver a near paradise on earth to the impatient Christian.
A Few problems with “Word of Faith”
Every quarter our Southern Ukraine association of churches puts on an all day fellowship/seminar for the brothers. They invited me to speak this time and I decided to talk about the rise of the “Word of Faith”