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The Excellent Wife Updated

In honor of Mother’s Day I want to honor the mother of my five children, Christina, for her unending love and devotion to our family and to God.

If you don’t know Christina I suggest that you get to know her! You can start by listening to a bit of her testimony here. We are from two very different worlds but I’m thankful that God brought us together and has already given us 16 years of marriage and 5 children!


God gave me and excellent wife and for that I am thankful!

I thought there would be no better way to honor my wife than to do it with Scripture, so I decided to update Proverbs 31:10-31 to reflect contemporary life.

The text below is not a “translation” but rather an adaptation. You can scroll over the references to read the ESV translation of each verse.

Pro 31:10 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.

Pro 31:11 Her husband has complete confidence in her, he has no regrets.

Pro 31:12 She is kind to him, and never says mean thing to him all the days of her life.

Pro 31:13 She sorts the laundry, and willing folds the clothes with her own hands.

Pro 31:14 She drives all over town for the best deals and loads her minivan with health food from the grocery store.

Pro 31:15 She slips out of bed before the sun rises to get the coffee going and make sure breakfast is on the table.

Pro 31:16 She finds time to get outside and make the yard look nice, she even plants a garden.

Pro 31:17 She works out and keeps herself fit.

Pro 31:18 She stays up after the kids are in bed running an online business.

Pro 31:19 She washes the dishes and keeps the kitchen sparkling

Pro 31:20 She generously gives to those in need.

Pro 31:21 She dresses her family well for every season.

Pro 31:22 She  loves to make her home beautiful; she has style.

Pro 31:23 Her husband is well known in the neighborhood, he is a leader at work and in church.

Pro 31:24 She sells her handmade crafts all over the world on Etsy.

Pro 31:25 She is poised and strong and has a positive outlook on the future.

Pro 31:26 She always knows just what to say and says it with kindness, she is a sought after teacher.

Pro 31:27 She works hard and keeps to a schedule, she doesn’t waste her life on romance novels and Pinetrest.

Pro 31:28 Her children tell all their friends what a great mom they have; her husband praises her:

Pro 31:29 “There are a lot of great women, but you are the best!”

Pro 31:30 Glamour hides the truth and good looks are useless, but a woman who honors the LORD with her life is to be praised.

Pro 31:31 Complement her for all she does and tell others what a great wife she is!

Question: Who do you want to honor as a mother? How would you describe the contemporary “excellent wife”?

2 Responses
  • Loren Pinilis
    May 23, 2013

    Don’t get me going on Proverbs 31. I think so many people really mess it up, haha.
    I think Proverbs 31 points to the ideal wife as one who works hard and thinks of others before herself or her comfort.

    • Caleb
      May 28, 2013

      I didn’t mention it in this post but one of the things people often miss about Proverbs 31 is that it was primarily written as instruction for young men looking for a wife, however most of the time churches use it as instruction for young women.