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VII Annual Conference

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One of the things we look forward to most this time of year is our annual conference for our bible school directors and teachers. It is always exciting to be in the midst of these servants who are faithfully ministering and teaching in their local churches. Tomorrow these men will be gathering from all over Ukraine and Moldova for 3 days of fellowship, learning and encouragement.

Our guest speaker this year is Dr Gunn – professor of Bible, theology and Biblical language at Shasta Bible College. He will be speaking to our Bible school directors and teachers on the topic of Bible Interpretation.

Please pray for us!

* Pray for the safety for all traveling to and from the conference
* Pray for Dr. Gunn as he speaks and for his interpreter
* Pray that the teachers and directors would be edified and encouraged
* Pray that each school would effectively train individuals to serve Christ

We are expecting around 30 men for this conference and at the moment still need sponsorships for about half of them. Please help us by sponsoring one or more individuals for $60. Please visit the CMI’s giving page to donate.