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What is Missions? Book Giveaway!

(This giveaway is closed. Congratulations to Elpida on winning the book! )

How do you define “Missions”?

What do you have to do to do missions?

What do you have to be a missionary?

The answer to these questions will determine many of the choices you make in your life and I want to hear those answers. I’m so interested in what you have to say that I’m giving away a copy of the book “Finish the Mission”

Please leave your answer in the comments below for a chance to win the book.

In the mean time take a look at the video below to find out what’s going on here in Ukraine.

May is a month of missions for us!  Below are two missions events that we need your prayers for this month.

Mission to Moldova

On May 10th I’ll be heading to the city of Faleshti, Moldova. We will be helping Pastor Vasilly train local church members for evangelism. Pray for safe travels for Misha and myself as we cross the border into Moldova. Pray also for success as we lead seminars in several locations.

Missions training

May 27 – 31 we will conduct a special missions course at our institute called “Kairos”. This course is designed to help introduce students to different cultures and world views and learn to effectively communicate the gospel. Please pray that our students would be equipped for missions and inspired to serve Jesus in other cultures and countries. Pray also for the facilitators who will be leading the course.

Thanks for your prayers!

Last month we successfully led seminars in Lughansk and in Kirovograd. Our family also to traveled to Cherkassy and ministered in Christina’s home church for Palm Sunday. We finally gathered our missionary team for a two-day conference in Kiev earlier this week. Thankfully, there were not blizzards to stop us this time!

We still haven’t celebrated Easter!

If you are wondering why we celebrated Palm Sunday last week, you can find out here. This Sunday we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with our church here in Odessa. Please pray for strong, clear preaching of the gospel and that God would bring repentance to many hearts.

Question: What is Missions? Give me your answer in the comment section for a chance to win “Finish the Mission”.

32 Responses
  • Deb
    May 2, 2013

    Your question really has me thinking this morning. For me missions is two-fold:
    1. To simply love others for Christ however He leads me.
    2. To fulfill Christ’s great commission to go, teach, and baptize. Matthew 28:19

    We have to start with love though, or we never get the chance to teach or baptize. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to define this for myself. Praying many blessings on your celebration of the resurrection and your mission efforts.

    • Caleb
      May 2, 2013

      Deb, thanks for your answer. Love certainly needs to be a key component of any mission endeavor! Thanks for sharing, I’ll include you’re name in the giveaway!

  • Dale Haven
    May 2, 2013

    The mission field starts as soon as we walk outside our front door.

    • Caleb
      May 2, 2013

      Dale, I think your’e right the world is our mission field. However we also don’t want to forget that often our family who lives in our home is also our mission field. Thanks for sharing, I’ll include you’re name in the giveaway!

  • I think missions is serving others and sharing Jesus with others. This shows that everyone should be a missionary wherever they are at. Just my first thoughts:) Praying for you.

    • Caleb
      May 3, 2013

      Dan, thanks for your prayers and thanks for your thoughts! I’ll include you’re name in the giveaway!

  • Ashley
    May 4, 2013

    I think it’s good to distinguish between “missions” and “ministry”. Ministry is whatever God calls us to do, serving, teaching, sharing, loving, etc. But I think the word “missions” is specific to cross-cultural ministry. I believe it’s from a Latin word that means “sending off”. So, you can go to the downtown “mission” in your city to serve food to the homeless, because you are reaching out to a cultural that is urban, homeless, etc. while you are from a middle class, suburban world. Or you can go to another country than the one you are currently in. I think that’s what makes it “missions” rather than “ministry”. I know the common usage is that any kind of service is missions, and that’s totally fine. But what word would we use to distinguish local ministry from cross-cultural ministry? Maybe there is another, better word than missions? Maybe outreach? Anyway, those are my thoughts 🙂 Great question!

    • Caleb
      May 4, 2013

      Ashely, I like your distinction between minsitry and missions. I think you’re correct, not all ministry is missions. Thanks for answering the question, I’ll put your name in for a chance to win the book!

  • Paul Sohn
    May 4, 2013

    At the heart of missions, I think it’s all about sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. I subscribe to the seven mountains of culture (mountain of family, education, religion, business, arts, media, politics) where everyone of us are serving as as missionaries. The mission field is different based on the “holy discontent’ of each person – but above all, we are to follow the Great Commission. I’ll be praying for your ministry in Moldova Caleb. God bless.

    • Caleb
      May 4, 2013

      Paul, I haven’t heard about the 7 mountains of culture but it sounds interesting. Thanks for your answer and thanks for praying for our ministry. I’ll enter your name in for the book!

      • Paul Sohn
        May 4, 2013

        Hey Caleb, thanks for putting me in the drawing. I subscribed to your blog. Looking forward to hearing how your ministry unfolds. Regarding the seven mountains of culture, check out the blog I wrote about. It will give you a better understanding around its focus on mission.

        • Caleb
          May 4, 2013

          Great! Thanks for the link!

  • Bob Scott
    May 4, 2013

    Missions is simply proclaiming the Gospel to all people.So a Missionary is one who proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ and makes disciples. Jesus expounded on that of course in Matt. 28:18-20. Every Christian is a Missionary, but not every Missionary is a Christian. It is the essence of the Christians’ commission.” How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things”(Rom. 10:15), and ….””So faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of Christ”(Rom.10:17). …”Their voice has gone out into all the earth and their words to the ends of the world”(Rom 10:18). For the scripture says “Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed”(Rom.10:11). Jesus shows us how to be a Missionary by His example in Matt. 4:19 “…follow me and I will make you fishers of men.”
    Paul was an example missionary and went on at least three “Missionary journeys” preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, making disciples, and planting churches along the way.
    The twelve chosen by Jesus were ordinary folks who were confronted with the Truth of Jesus Christ and responded in obedience by carrying out the last instructions of our Lord as they preached the Gospel and many were saved and added to their number (Acts.2:41- 47).
    We all are meant to be, and should be a Missionary wherever we are and in whatever occupation we have been placed. It is the privilege of every believer to share the great news of Salvation by the Grace of God.
    Shall I continue? I hope that answer contains some of what you were looking for.

    • Caleb
      May 4, 2013

      Bob, thanks so much for your great explanation! I’m putting your name into the hat!

  • Joel Ferrari
    May 4, 2013

    Missions is acting on God’s command to make disciples, whether that is across the street or across the planet, with an eventual goal of bringing all men back to worship their Creator.

    • Caleb
      May 4, 2013

      Joel, worship really is key in that mission! Thanks for your response, I’ll add your name to the hat!

  • Don Semmler
    May 5, 2013

    My answer is not necessarily “textbook”, but it is what I believe each Christians “mission” should be. I do not believe “missions” is a place, as much as I believe it is a lifestyle by example – daily. We were created by God to worship Him, to glorify Him, predestined to do good works for Him, to share Jesus Christ‘s gospel with the lost, and to enjoy Him for eternity. This is the chief purpose of mankind OR “mission” if you will. If we live out our “mission”, our purpose daily, no matter where we live, work, etc, we are fulfilling His will for our lives on earth, and the lost will see His light in us.

    • Caleb
      May 5, 2013

      Don, I love that you included the idea of worship! You’re name’s in the hat, thanks for answering the question!

  • Elpida Nuhija (Hope)
    May 7, 2013

    All you have to do is to be yourself have faith support and to be brave 🙂 The mission of people i think is to love one another make families and support each other!!!!I love books and my mission is to win a copy 🙂

    • Caleb
      May 7, 2013

      Elpida, thanks for your response! You’re name is in the hat.

  • Ana Avila
    May 13, 2013


    What we are called to do. Our task, our dutty, our service for love. What our master commanded us to do, recalling us we are not alone. He is with us, and will be wherever we go to do what he asked us to.

    • Ana Avila
      May 13, 2013

      Btw this was posted on my b-day, I should totally get the book 8- ) haha.

      • Caleb
        May 13, 2013

        Happy birthday Ana!

    • Caleb
      May 13, 2013

      Ana, thanks for your comment! I will put your name in the hat!

  • How do you define “Missions”?

    Missions is a condition of the heart. It is how I treat people around me, here, in my home and neighborhood each and every day. It is having a heart for God and a desire to further His kingdom, whether I’m home or abroad.

    What do you have to do to do missions?

    Keep your eyes focused upon Jesus at all times. Follow Him wherever He leads. Keep your mind and heart open and tuned in to His word and instruction. It is His word and His wisdom that will win souls to the Kingdom.

    What do you have to be to be a missionary?

    A willing and empty vessel.

    • Caleb
      May 15, 2013

      Denise, great advice. I’ll put your name in the hat.

  • Jeremy Wilson
    May 15, 2013

    1. Proclaiming the gospel, living as Christ loved. Live out the Great Commission and Acts 1:8
    2. See number one
    3.Be someone who lives out number one.


    • Caleb
      May 15, 2013

      Jeremy, that keeps it nice and simple doesn’t it? I’ll be choosing a winner of the book today so thanks for entering!

  • Katie Bonnell
    May 15, 2013

    1. A love for The Lord. Enough to make it your mission.
    2. Purposeful relationships and interactions and lots of prayer.
    3. Bold, flexible, a love for people, and utterly dependent on God.

    • Caleb
      May 15, 2013

      Katie, for me purposeful relationships are very important but often difficult to do. Thanks for your input, I’ll be choosing a winner later today!

  • Caleb
    May 15, 2013

    After a completely random drawing Elpida has won the free book! Congratulations Elpida!

  • Elpida Nuhija (Hope)
    May 16, 2013

    Thank you so much i really want to read the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!Bod bless you and your family!!!!!!!!!!!Im very greatful and happy about the book!!!!!!!!!!!I hope i get the book soon i cant wait to read it!!!!!!!!Sorry for the spelling mistakes!!!!!!!!!! 🙂