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Where You Live Makes a Difference

Have you ever dreamed about having a house on the water, a cabin in the mountains or maybe a cottage by a river. Why do you and I desire to live in such places? We know that the place we call home impacts just about every aspect of our life.
Where you live affects what you wear, how you speak, who you are friends with, it even affects how you feel about yourself and how you think!

Let me give you some examples of how your location affects your life.

Where you live affects what you wear

If you live in Alaska you’re much more likely to have a closet full of coats, a pair of insulated boots and an assortment of thick gloves than someone who lives in the Florida Keys.

Where you live affects how you talk

When I moved to Ukraine in 2007 I immediately started learning Russian because I knew that in my new location no one would understand me unless I spoke it.  When I travel back to the US I quickly change back to English; my locations dramatically affects how I speak.

Where you live affects your outlook on life

Whether we like it or not we are all affected by the predominant culture around us. If you live in a pessimistic culture it will be hard to keep a positive outlook. If your culture values work over family, you’ll probably struggle with that too.

Where you live affects your relationships

Although we may be more connected by technology today than ever we still tend to develop and maintain more relationships with the people who live and work with us.  This usually includes immediate family, neighbors, church members and coworkers.

Where do you live?

Are you living in your ideal setting? Are you living in a place that gives you ample opportunities to be successful and live out what God has called you to do?

If you’re a Christian then you don’t have to worry because you are already living in the right place!

Living in Christ

When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesian church he told them that they had a new home and a new identity, they now lived “in Christ”.  Eph 2:13 This new location affects every aspect of the Christian’s life.

Paul is so intense on communicating what life in Christ is about that refers to it over 40 times in Ephesians! Here are a few things which Paul indicates are yours and mine as a result of living in Christ.

What do you have in Christ?

  • Blessings -Eph 1:3
  • Adoption -Eph 1:5
  • Forgiveness -Eph 1:7
  • Purpose -Eph 1:9
  • Hope -Eph 1:12
  • Holy Spirit -Eph 1:13
  • Faith -Eph 1:15
  • Strength -Eph 1:19-20
  • Life -Eph 2:4
  • Citizenship -Eph 2:12-13
  • Peace -Eph 2:15
  • Access to the Father -Eph 2:18
  • Family -Eph 2:19
  • Boldness -Eph 3:12
  • Maturity -Eph 4:15
  • Unity -Eph 4:16

Question: In what ways does “life in Christ” affect how you live today?

6 Responses
  • Paul
    May 18, 2013

    What an insightful post Caleb! I like how you end with saying that when are grounded in Christ, we live in Christ. Surely, our earthy bodies are influenced by the wordly happenings as Romans says we are transformed in the renewal of mind. We are born again in Christ.
    Living in Christ for me is in essence living intentionally. It’s about living every moment with kingdom impact, stewarding my gifts, talents, resources, and opportunities to change the world upside down.

    • Caleb
      May 18, 2013

      Paul you’re right, we must live intentionally in Christ, in fact that’s the whole point of the second half of Ephesians. Thanks for your input!

  • Toni Sprandel
    May 18, 2013

    Knowing that He lives in me makes me able to die to self daily and allow the Holy Spirit to take control of my life. I still mess up and get off the path, but the Spirits still small voice always brings me back. I pray that the Light of Christ shines brightly through me. Not I but Christ who lives within me. I am able to be the hands,feet and heart of Jesus who need a touch from Him.

    • Caleb
      May 18, 2013

      We do need to remind ourselves daily that Christ lives in us too. I find it interesting that Paul talks so much about the Christian being in Christ but he also turns tables and talks about how Christ and the Holy Spirit are in us. Thanks for your insight!

  • Loren Pinilis
    May 23, 2013

    Man, this is good, Caleb.
    I never really considered godly thoughts as an environment that I live in akin to a physical one – but the metaphor is so apt.

  • Caleb
    May 28, 2013

    Unfortunately as Christians who live in Christ we can often forget this amazing truth. Thankfully we are in Christ and have tremendous blessings as a result.