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Why I Love Vladimir Putin

In case you didn’t know Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the president of the largest country on earth, the Russian Federation.

Recently he’s been the subject of considerable hate and disdain by much of the West for what is going on in the Crimea.

But I really do love the guy and I want to share with you why.
As a politician Putin is a polarizing and fascinating figure. Just when you think you have him figured out he does something completely unexpected. Like the time he decided to ditch his body guards in St. Petersburg and take a walk alone down an alley!

When was the last time you saw a US president do something like that?

I find it interesting to listen to Putin speak. He’s the polar opposite of our American politicians who carefully weigh every word making sure that they use certain terms for effect and that they stay away from others for fear of offending their constituents.

When Putin speaks it’s obvious that he doesn’t care about being politically correct! He just says what he thinks and doesn’t worry about who got offended. He also has a record for doing what he says he’s going to do and sometimes doing it before he says he’s going to do it!

Putin has also taken the moral high ground on homosexuality and recently signed a law that bans distribution of literature that promotes homosexuality!

Now that’s all interesting but it’s not really why I love Putin!

The reason I love Putin has nothing to do with what’s happening in the Crimea and everything to do with what already happened on the Cross!

  • I love Putin because Jesus loved Putin enough to die for him!
  • I love Putin because he needs Jesus just as much as I need Jesus!
  • I love Putin because I understand God’s love for me! I John 4:7-21

I might not agree with all of Putin’s political decisions but as a Christian I am called to love him, pray for him and bless him.

Do you want to know how I’m praying for Putin?

  • I’m praying that he will become a true follower of Jesus!
  • I’m praying that his heart will be made new by the Holy Spirit!
  • I’m praying that God will bless him with spiritual sight!

 Question: Will you pray with me that God will bless Putin?

29 Responses
  • Bill (cycleguy)
    March 11, 2014

    Thanks for the reminder Caleb. I told Zee a couple of weeks ago i would pray for just these things about him…and forgot.

    • Caleb
      March 11, 2014

      Bill consider this your last reminder 😉 We need your prayers!

  • Bernard Haynes
    March 11, 2014

    Caleb, thanks for the reminder that God loves goes beyond man’s love. If He could change Saul into Paul, He can change anyone. I will pray.

    • Caleb
      March 12, 2014

      Saul is a good example, I think we often underestimate God’s ability to change the heart!

  • Micah
    March 11, 2014

    Man, I love this post. I’ve gotta say the title grabbed my attention, it’s not the kinda thing I expect to come across these days but the points you make are so true. Many politicians tend to be very conscious of the media and PR savvy, to the extent the public are rarely able to get a handle on what their true convictions are and who they are. It’s refreshing whenever we’re afforded the opportunity to see someone in leadership being authentic.

    But of course the biggest thing I love about this post is that it reminded me of the example of Christ and the call given to each of us to pursue a love that isn’t based on the limited resources of our own preferences and perspectives, but a love that is rooted in the eternal sacrifice of Jesus, the cross, the gospel, His enabling grace and the power of the Holy Spirit.

    Thanks for this reminder, Caleb. Great post!

    • Caleb
      March 12, 2014

      That’s really the main point Micah, we are called to love and that’s not always an easy thing to do, in fact it wasn’t an easy thing for Jesus to love me either!

  • Rick Dawson
    March 11, 2014

    Yes, Caleb – I will pray for Vlad Putin. Short answer, but the right one. 🙂

    • Caleb
      March 12, 2014

      Sometimes the short answer is the best answer!

  • floyd
    March 11, 2014

    I love Putin for the same reasons… Love might not be the best word for me, but my heart for him is the point. Another reason I like him is his stance on Muslims in Russia. He makes clear that the law, which is the same as ours regarding this subject, won’t be messed with and danced around like the politicians of US and England do. Russian is now like the US was fifty years ago. Scary thought.

    • Caleb
      March 12, 2014

      Floyd I think that sometimes American culture has the idea of loved married to the ideas of agreement and approval. I love my children but often don’t agree or approve of what they do.

  • Dan Black
    March 12, 2014

    This is a great reason: “I love Putin because Jesus loved Putin enough to die for him!” We need to love more people because of that reason. Thanks for an amazing post.

    • Caleb
      March 12, 2014

      It’s really quite simple when it comes down to it but it can be tremendously hard to do.

  • Zee Kleshchar
    March 12, 2014

    Interesting perspective, and I keep trying to remember that… Wrote a post recently about a similar topic. (

    Humanly, it is impossible to do. You can’t love someone who kills your friends and who puts lies on top of lies for his own people. With God, I know it is possible. I got to the point when I can feebly pray for him… but without seeing him. Seeing him on TV talking about Ukraine makes my blood boil with rage.

    • Caleb
      March 12, 2014

      I think you’re right Zee, this kind of love is only possible for people who have been the recipients of God’s love toward them.

  • Sergey Ratz
    March 12, 2014

    Caleb, you know, I must love him, but in fact I rather hate Putin…

    • Caleb
      March 12, 2014

      I understand you Sergey! Thankfully God did not have the same attitude towards you as you have towards Putin!

      “But here is how God has shown his love for us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

  • TCAvey
    March 12, 2014

    Amen! It’s good to pray for our leaders, to lift them up and entrust them to God.

    • Caleb
      March 13, 2014

      Thank you TC!

  • DS
    March 13, 2014

    Caleb thanks for sharing a positive attitude about our thought processes on world leaders. Romans 13 definitely gives some perspective on it all. Thanks for asking us to pray for leaders, including the one mentioned here.

    • Caleb
      March 13, 2014

      You’re right David, Romans 13 should be key in our worldview as Christians. It’s not the easiest thing to do but through Christ it can be done.

  • Mr_Jorn
    March 13, 2014

    Doling out love like this demeans the whole concept of love.

    • Caleb
      March 13, 2014

      So true! Many people seem to equate love for a person with approval of what that person does but this isn’t always the case.

  • David Rupert
    March 17, 2014

    Well Caleb, you are provocative! but as Christians, we are called to higher purposes, different attitudes and godly perspective. You have changed my trajectory!

    • Caleb
      March 17, 2014

      The reality is that when Jesus said things like “love your enemies” it caught a lot of attention because that wasn’t the general opinion of the people. I’m glad your trajectory was changed a little!

  • Maureen Ray
    March 28, 2014

    This is just a beautiful post. I certainly agree with ever word you have said about Vladimir Putin. We do not harbour the same distaste for Putin as many others do, so it is easy for us to accept him, as he is. MY husband has a great knowledge of geography and history for he is well read and I learn much from him. We are interested in Russia and beyond and her peoples. I know we are supposed to love our enemies, I do not feel Putin is my enemy BUT I definitely do not see our Prime Minister Tony Abbott as a man to be honoured in any way at all. In fact we pray that this terrible Government in Australia would be removed. They are all Roman Catholics and their cruel and vicious policies towards the vulnerable, especially refugees, at this time, is reprehensible. To make a vocal effort or write the words to love this man would be hypocritical of me. You ministry to me this morning is much needed in my life, for all sorts of reasons, and I am most blessed, for I know God has provided. In fact my twitter space with the input of so many American Christians, though of differing nationalities has enriched my life. May you see increase in your ministry and God protect you and yours as you work out your calling in His name.

    • Caleb
      March 28, 2014

      Thanks so much for your kind words Maureen, I really appreciate it! May you be blessed today!

  • Lee Lanier
    March 28, 2014

    Yes I fully understand that GOD loves everyone, & wants noone to be sentenced to Hell & we are to pray for him which I do as for the World. His boldness of speech under a Communist Country where the people are looking at the end of a barrel to me discredits him slightly, his stance on homosexuality I agree with but when I recall Proverbs 6:16-19 where GOD states the things he Hates & are a abomination to HIM is very powerful, everything listed he is guilty of, I am sinner that has been saved & I struggle with it (sin) as every Christian does.Just when I started admiring Putin over the guy agenda he invades the Ukraine with solders dressed in green & takes advantage of someone who is totally unmatched & seeing Censored News agency showing a picture of America in plume of a atomic blast, Putin has not done a fraction for helping other Countries as America has.Caleb please do not take this as any offense for I love you & your family, & I will continue to pray for our enemies & also pray for me & my family also. GOD BLESS !!!

  • alenajoy
    February 26, 2016

    Thank you for this blog I came to by the Holy Spirit. I love Pres Putin too! I have always wanted to like him. I have been praying for him and I agree with your prayers for him. I love those prayers. They seem so perfect. I will also use them for other leaders, like our Republican campaign frontrunner, Donald Trump. If anyone can use an encounter with Jesus, he can use it. Thanks for your wonderful prayer to inspire us to pray more. Rev ADavies/USA.

    • Caleb
      March 4, 2016

      Yes, wouldn’t it be great if Putin came to Jesus on his knees and truly had a change of heart!