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4 Reasons Why We Give up on the Gospel | Season 02 Episode 07

Did you know it’s possible to give up on the Gospel too early and be unaware of what you just did?

In this episode of “Now Is the Time” I talk about why it is that we often give up and stop sharing the Gospel too soon. I share with you a story of one lady who asked me to heal here and how that turned into a shocking Gospel conversation for her.

4 Reasons Why We Give up too Early

In this podcast I go into detail about each of these reasons below and talk about why it’s important to dig deeper when sharing the Gospel message. Too often we stop sharing because we believe there is no longer a need for the Gospel, this can be a dangerous assumption.

  1. Because someone calls themselves a Christian
  2. Because someone agrees with us
  3. Because someone pray the sinner’s prayer
  4. Because someone uses our vocabulary

Book Giveaway

Congratulations to Floyd and George who each win free copies of the book “Practical Religion” by JC Ryle!


Tomorrow we kick off our first ever missions conference in our church here in Odessa! We have churches coming from all over Ukraine to attend this conference, including some from the Separatist controlled war zone of Eastern Ukraine.

  • Please pray for the organization of this conference.
  • Pray that God would use this time to inspire and instruct believers on the need for missions.
  • Pray for the speakers that they would accurately share God’s Word and God’s heart on missions.

This week our church is also doing vacation Bible School. Our 3 oldest children are helping run the camp and our youngest two are attending. Tomorrow I’ll be speaking at the closing program.

  • Pray for me as I speak to the children and their parents tomorrow.
  • Pray for God’s Word to take seed in the hearts of the children who are attending.

Worldview Seminar in Kropyvnytskyi

This past weekend Naomi and I traveled to Kropyvnytskyi (formerly Kirovograd) where I led a seminar on how different worldviews affect how we share the Gospel message.

The reason I lead these seminars is to help believers understand how they can effectively communicate the Gospel message.

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Ukraine is changing fast and evangelism methods of the past often fall short in a society that is becoming increasingly pluralistic.

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It is vital that churches not leave the task of evangelism to their pastors alone, every member must do the work of an evangelist!

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Understanding opposing worldviews helps believers to engage unbelievers with a Biblical worldview and show them how the Gospel is different.

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Living Word Church and Pastor Andrew encouraged me with a passion for the Gospel and humble approach to ministry.


After the seminar we drove out to the village of Karlivko where I shared the Gospel with the youth from that village.


They asked many questions and listened intently as I shared some of my testimony.

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Pray for Pastor Andrew and Pastor Sergey in Kropyvnytskyi. These are men who are faithfully serving Jesus and His Church, they are fighting the true spiritual battle.

1 Response
  • TCAvey
    August 31, 2016

    Congrats to Floyd and George!

    Taking the time to learn of others world views, cultural references and perspectives is never a waste of time. It’s a great way to bridge an otherwise impassable divide.

    I look forward to listening to the pod cast.