There are certain anniversaries you don’t want to remember, this is one of them.
One year ago today police started firing on unarmed protestors killing nearly 100 people.
Below is what I wrote exactly one year ago.
February 19, 2014
While you slept last night Ukraine turned bloody! Today was the worst day yet in the 3 month old protest which has caught the world’s attention.
Early reports say that at least 22 people have died and more than 1,000 have been injured in the last 24 hours in Kyiv. The dead include protesters and police.
The pictures coming out of the “war zone” in Kyiv make me want to turn away but I can’t. This is Ukraine, the country I love, I have family there, I have friends there, so far I’ve given 8 years of my life to serve the people there!
They say war is ugly and I agree but civil war has a particular venomous stench to it. When a nation starts fighting against it’s self it can be hard to stop and the results are always the same -death, destruction and dehumanization of the enemy.
22 dead means 22 mothers whose sons will not come home. It means children who will bury their fathers and wives who will only have a chance to kiss the corpse of their husbands.
Death doesn’t care who started the violence, it doesn’t even car who’s right and who’s wrong. Death levels the playing field, it forces everyone to count the costs. With all the violence what we don’t notice is that death often kills the hearts of those who remain alive.
When peace is far away hope seems completely out of reach!
But peace and hope are within reach, they’re just not where most people think they are.
True peace will not be found in a new president or a new government, hope will not be found in a revised constitution, closer ties to the EU or to Russia.
The peace and hope that Ukraine needs now can only be found in Jesus. John 14:27
Two days later I wrote another post and called for prayer and fasting for Ukraine.
February 21, 2014
I’m not sure how to put into words what is happening in Ukraine. Every morning I wake up and immediately check the news praying that the situation has improved, but it hasn’t!

Protestors killed in Kyiv, February 20, 2014
This morning Christina (my wife) shared with a women’s group at a church we are visiting, she couldn’t hold back the tears as she described the violence and unnecessary taking of life in her home country.
The conflict in Ukraine has escalated faster and farther this week than anyone could have guessed.
It’ not just bricks
It’s not just bricks and clubs any more, bullets are now flying on the streets of Kyiv. The interior minister finally admitted that police have been armed with combat weapons and authorized to use them.
Of course there’s violence on both sides but after Christina and I watched the videos of protesters being shot by police snipers we simply felt helpless and were overwhelmed with sadness for the Ukrainian people!
It’s not just Kyiv
While the main action and violence is in Kyiv the crisis has spread country wide. Opposition groups have put of blockades on major highways around Ukraine trying to make sure that government reinforcements or “Titushkies” can’t get through.
This week there was violence in many of Ukraine’s larger cities including Odessa, where a group of Titushkies brutally attacked opposition protesters.
Ukraine is in upheaval and every Ukrainian feels it. This morning I received a message from one of our ministries partners, he said that he is so broken up over what is going on that he doesn’t even feel that he will be able to get through his sermon on Sunday….
Fasting and prayer for Ukraine
I know that fasting isn’t something that most American Christians are used to doing but I also know that many of our brothers and sister in Ukraine will also be fasting this weekend and I believe it is important for us to stand with them and support them.
If you can please take at least 15 minutes each day this weekend to specifically pray for peace in Ukraine.
If you can fast, choose either Friday, Saturday or Sunday and let us know when you will be fasting. Christina and I will be fasting all day on Saturday, February 22nd.
It Only Gets Worse!
Unfortunately things didn’t get better for Ukraine, they only got worse! It started with Russia’s annexation of Crimea, then with the taking of key cities in Eastern Ukraine and it continues with an all out war for control of the Donbas area of Ukraine.
Yesterday after weeks of intense fighting the Ukrainian army withdrew its forces from the strategic town of Debaltseve, giving over another key city to the Russian back forces.
The blow to Ukraine is heavy, the outlook is grim, the people are angered, disillusioned and desperate!
Is there hope for Ukrainians?
I believe there is and tomorrow I will share with you in detail about that hope.
In the mean time I want to ask you to do the same thing I asked one year ago.
Please fast and pray for Ukraine!
Christina and I will be fasting and praying on Saturday and we invite you to join us.
February 19, 20152 Chron 7:14
God is alive. He still moves. He is Emmanuel- God WITH us.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and those in the Ukraine. For health reasons I can’t do a traditional fast but I will be petitioning God for you and joining you on Sat as best I can.
God bless.
February 20, 2015Thank you for the encouraging words TC! We appreciate your prayers!