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Celebrating 6 Years with a 3rd Culture Kid

Today we celebrated Anastasia’s 6th birthday. I started thinking about it and realized that she has spent almost all of her life in Ukraine. We celebrated her first birthday just a couple of months after moving to Ukraine.

Happy 6th birthday Anastasia!

Anastasia is truly what they call a “third culture kid” (TCK). Although she is an American, she hasn’t really spent much of her life in America, and although she lives in Ukraine she’s not completely Ukrainian. She has her own culture, a third culture.

What does a 5 year old want for her birthday? Sushi, of course!

One of the uniqueness’ of a TCK is that they make friends very quickly. We have noticed this on many occasions in Anastasia. Out on the playground it is not uncommon for her to make friends with all the girls her age.

Lost her first tooth while eating her birthday dinner

As bonus on her birthday Anastasia lost her first tooth!