We were all terribly affected by the death of Gabe. In the picture above he is folding the flag in a ceremony we had at Church for the guys who were leaving for Iraq. Did Gabe know this would be his last time at church? Did he know that the next flag folding ceremony he would be part of would be at his own funeral? Did he know he was on his final mission just before he died? I am not sure, but…
Gabe was one of the greatest heroes I have ever known but even Gabe knew that he could never attain entrance into heaven based upon the merits of his life. Instead he trusted in the only perfect life that was ever lived, Jesus Christ. Gabe believed that Jesus righteous life and sacrificial death were more than enough to get him into the Pearly Gates. Gabe knew that Jesus had died for him and by putting his trust in Jesus death Gabe was able to stand before his Creator clothed in the righteousness of his Savior, Jesus Christ. This is why the Bible says,
“But God commends His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.” Romans 5:8-9