A big belly, red suit, and bag full of gifts for children, you’ve probably seen these popular images of Santa Claus. For many people he’s a fun part of contemporary folklore but we all know that he’s fictional. However, what if I told you that Santa Clause isn’t completely fictional. He’s based upon a real person named Saint Nicholas of Myrna. He lived from 270-343 AD and the truth about his life is surprising and significant for us today!
In Ukraine Saint Nicholas is honored as the Patron Saint of Ukraine and he has his own holiday on December 19th according to the Julian calendar and December 6th according to the Gregorian calender. Nevertheless few people know the details about his life. There are several ancient accounts of the life of Saint Nicholas that provide us with worthy examples of his powerful faith and dedication to Jesus Christ.
He was against corruption
The earliest text about Saint Nicholas is from a document around 400 AD called The Story of the Three Generals (Praxis de Stratelatis). Here we read about how Saint Nicholas saved three innocent men from beheading.
“Saint Nicholas, now running, found a great crowd of people before the executioner, who was holding his sword up, anticipating the coming of the holy man. When Nicholas came up to the place of the confessors of Christ, he found the three men with their faces covered with linen cloths. They had been placed in position, with their hands tied behind them. They were bending their knees and bowing their heads, expecting death.
At that moment Saint Nicholas, according as it is written, “The righteous are bold as a lion” (Proverbs xxviii, 1), fearlessly grabbed the sword from the executioner and cast it to the ground. Loosening the men from their chains he took them with him to the city.”
Although Saint Nicholas had saved the men, he didn’t stop there!
“Walking down to the Pretorium, he thrust open the door and entered the presence of Eustathius the Praeses (governor). The Praeses, hearing from a guard what had been done, now walked up to honor the holy man. But the servant of God, Nicholas, turned away from him saying: “Sacrilegious blood shedder! How dare you confront me, apprehended in so many and such evil acts! I will not spare or forgive you, but will let the mighty emperor Constantine know about you—how many and how serious are the sins which you have been discovered in, and in what fashion you administer your princely prefecture.”
Then Eustathius the Praeses fell to his knees and begged him: “Be not wrathful with thy servant, lord, but speak the truth, that I am not the guilty one, but the heads of state, Eudoxius and Simonides.”
Nonetheless the holy man answered: “It is not Eudoxius and Simonides who did this, but silver and gold.” For the holy man had learned that the Praeses was to receive more than two hundred pounds of silver to execute the citizens for crime. Yet the most holy man, after the officers of the army had earnestly spoken in behalf of the Praeses, granted him pardon, once the charges which the Praeses had leveled against the three men were cleared.”
What righteous courage Saint Nicholas had to confront such a powerful person for his corruption. Not only did he save the lives of the three men but he also put an end to the corruption that led to their false condemnation.
Proverbs 15:27 The greedy bring ruin to their households, but the one who hates bribes will live.
We need more people like Saint Nicholas who are bold as lions and fear God more than they fear men of power and position!
He was generous to the poor

Saint Nicholas was born into a wealthy family but both his parents died early in his life leaving him with a large inheritance. Rather than using money he had inherited for his own benefit he decided to give most of what he had to the poor. Once Saint Nicholas heard about a man who had three daughters and had fallen into poverty. This man was going to send his daughters to the brothel just so they would have something to eat. Michael the Archimandrite writes about how Saint Nicholas saved this entire family through his generosity.
“For when he learned of the situation, the man who was and who was proven to be the all-honored and truly faithful steward of the Lord pondered in his mind this advice of Solomon’s that is full of help: “God loves a person who is a cheerful giver” (Proverbs 22.8) and “The one who pities a beggar is himself nurtured” (Proverbs 22.9). And again: “Provide good things before God and humankind” (Proverbs 3.4). And that one from the same place that is apt in various ways: “Save those who are led away to death” (Proverbs 24.11). By the expenditure and very generous donation of his own money, Nicholas became a most ready resource for their defense, and he saved them, though they were already being led away to a death of profligacy.”
Nicholas, wishing to use his own money to help the man, and to lead him with his daughters away from the shameful and dishonorable deed which had, in truth, already been decided for them — what does he do? He does not appear to him in person or speak about a gift or any other type of relief, thereby freeing him from shame while at the same time very carefully taking the trouble not to trumpet his own charity. After hurling a bag containing a large amount of gold into the house through the window at night, he quickly hastened home.”
This is probably where some of the legend of Santa Claus with is big bag of gifts comes from. However, much better is the true story? Saint Nicholas gave quietly to a family who was in true need. Indeed, this is an act of true Christian love and sacrifice!
Saint Nicholas believed in Jesus

What was the reason for Saint Nicholas’ boldness and generosity? I think it was because he had a strong and real faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord! It’s sad that today’s “Santa Claus” has nothing to do with faith. In reality, Saint Nicholas’ most powerful example is his faith in Jesus Christ! It was Saint Nicholas’ faith in Jesus that motivated him to live a righteous life. Saint Nicholas knew that Jesus was also bold, when he confronted the corruption of the Pharisees! He also knew that Jesus also is generous, he generously laid down his life for each of us!
As we celebrate Saint Nicholas day and as we celebrate Christmas let us remind ourselves of the importance of a real personal faith in Jesus Christ that not only gives us salvation but also makes us bold and generous just like Saint Nicholas!