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Five Truths Mass Shootings Can Teach the Church

Mass shootings have become so ordinary that they are now part of our culture.


As a result these horrific events are thrown to the media who devour every morsel as they tear their way through the lives of those involved.

As long as the popular culture demands it they will serve up more interviews, more charts on gun ownership, and more rehashing of the shooting.


It’s time for the church to stop swallowing the regurgitated mash media and start focusing on truth statements from God’s Word that give us clear direction and moral clarity.

Here are fives truths the Church needs to learn from mass shootings.

1. Mass shootings don’t change our final destiny

I don’t want to in any way lessen the tragic nature of those who died. It is an unspeakably sad and horrific way to die. Each life was created by God and we should mourn each death.

As we learn of how these lives were so quickly snuffed out there is something in us that cries out, it says,

“No, this is not right!”

It’s not right, death is never right, it is always ultimately the result of being part of a fallen world. Mass shootings bring the horror of death before our eyes, it reminds us of how terrible death really is.

Just like war, mass shootings give us no escape, they do not let our conscious hide in business of life from the reality of death.

Mass shootings, however, don’t really change our final destiny, every person who was shot and killed would have sooner or later faced the reality of death. The only difference is that they would have most likely faced death individually at different times and in much less public ways.

What do mass shootings teach us about death?

  • They teach is that the effects of sin are real and deadly.
  • They teach us that death is always around the corner for every living person on earth.
  • They teach us to choose Christ now because eternity is infinitely longer than this life.
  • They teach us that there is an urgency to our mission.

2. You can’t avoid all persecution

Hundreds of thousands of Christians have fled their home countries and come to the USA to avoid persecution. There’s no persecution in America they thought.

This recent shooting was a wake up for many Christians who never feared their safety not even mention their life for simply being a Christian.

The truth is there is not place on earth that is 100% persecution free.

I guess Paul knew what he was talking about when he told Timothy,

“All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” 2 Tim 3:12

Peter also pretty much nailed it when he told the Church,

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you.” 1 Pet 4:12

What do mass shootings teach us?

  • It’s time for the Church to stop seeking comfort and luxury.
  • It’s time for the Church to stop watering down her message so as not to offend.
  • It’s time for the Church to stop running from persecution.
  • It’s time for the Church to stand and preach the Good News boldly.

3. Divorce is deadly for our children

I hope I’m not the only one that noticed this but the shooters parents were divorced. He lived with his mother and his father was largely out of the picture.

I don’t think it’s right to throw blame here but we need to admit that young boys and girls who grow up without an in-tack family and especially without a father in the home are of greater risk of committing these acts of violence.

In one interview the shooters father claimed he had no idea that his son had any guns at all and the last time he saw him everything seemed normal.

Forgive me if I’m wrong here but if that father had actually lived in the same house as his child and took a deep interest in his child’s development I’m sure the the situation would be different.

What does this teach us?

  • The Church needs to teach a faith that walks outside of the walls of the church building and transforms families.
  • The Church needs to reach out to single mothers and fathers and support them in the task of raising children who know God.
  • The Church needs to reach out to children and give them good role models of mothers and fathers.

4. Tragedy is where we need to be

It’s human nature to steer clear of tragedy. It’s messy, it’s uncomfortable, and it’s not where we want to be. There’s one big problem with that, often tragedy is right at the center of where God is working.

I learned this growing up as I watched my father volunteer to be a chaplain for the police and fire departments. He choose to be there where suffering was and as a result he had many opportunities to minister to the souls of others and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I’ve seen this in Eastern Ukraine and in ministry to disabled refugees.

What does the Church need to do about tragedy?

  • The Church needs to run to tragedy, not away from it.
  • The Church needs to teach that God doesn’t promise this life will be free of pain and suffering but he promises to be with us through it.
  • The Church needs to train its members to effectively minister to those who have gone through a tragedy.

5. Gun control isn’t the main issue

Ah, and this seems to be the hot button topic!

What about gun control? Does the church have a message here?


And more than any other issue the Church needs to be loud and clear here.


Because the Bible is loud and clear!

God’s Word tells us in no compromising terms that the biggest problem with man isn’t the gun in his hand but the sin in his heart.

“for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God,”
Rom 3:23

You see man’s heart is broken so far beyond repair that no gun control law will do it any good.

Man doesn’t need more outward restrictions to save him, he needs inward transformation that only Jesus Christ can provide.

Let the politicians and lawmakers shoot it out over gun control, it’s not our issue.

What can the church learn from mass shootings?

  • We can not stray away from preaching man’s sinfulness.
  • We must not settle for lesser issues, God can give you a better marriage and even a better job but first He wants to change your heart.
  • Ultimately the Church holds the solution to the gun control problem, change the heart and mass shootings will vanish.

Question: What other lessons should the church be learning from the recent mass shootings?

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