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April 2011 Update

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Dear Friends, it’s April and I am in the city of Cherkassy, Christina’s hometown. I want to share with you a few updates and let you know what we are planning for this month.

Last month I received something I have been waiting for for a very long time: my permanent residence permit in Ukraine. I know that some of you have been praying for this. It took a lot of time and effort and we had to gather all kinds of different documents but praise the Lord, we got it. This will make things a lot simpler for me because I no longer have to get a visa and I can stay in Ukraine as long as I want.

Last month I told you that Christina was going to be speaking to a large group of women at the annual women’s conference for our fellowship of churches. She spoke on the theme of fellowship with God. There were about 130 women there. I know it was a big blessing for all who attended as well as for Christina, so thank you for praying!

This summer we have an opportunity for medical doctors to come short term. Dr. Miriam Wheeler who serves with our ABWE team in South Ukraine has gone back to the US for several months to seek medical treatment and to visit churches. Thus, we are looking for general practitioners who can come for a week or two this summer to serve in our village clinics. These clinics serve as out reaches for the local churches that are either in the villages or nearby.

We appreciate you continued prayers for our Good Soil seminars. This month we have two seminars, one is in Barishivka where we are expecting about 40 participants and the other is in Leysinka. We are looking for sponsors to help provide material for these seminars. It costs about $5 per person which includes a Bible study book designed to be used with unbelievers, a second book made specifically for use with new believers and a work book for training Ukrainians in evangelism and discipleship.

These tools have been very well received in churches here. After our last seminar in Odessa I heard a report of how one guy went and met with an unbelieving relative after the seminar. He was able to share the God’s redemptive plan from Genesis to Revelation with-in a matter of several hours!

Thank you for your prayers!

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