Christmas is over, at least in the West. The day after Christmas shouldn’t be a downer. It should be just as joyful as the day before Christmas!
Suko Kids on Life in Ukraine
Today I interviewed 4 of our 5 kids (Nickolas was sleeping) about life in Ukraine. They answered the following questions;
Why We are Thankful!
This is a great time to share with you why we are thankful. God has blessed our family and called us to serve Him in Ukraine,
Mishael Turns 10
Today we celebrated two birthdays in Ukraine. Mishael turned 10 and my new nephew in Kiev was born to my sister Rachel.
Celebrating July 4th in Ukraine
It’s always a bit strange to celebrate America’s Independence day when you are out of the country. No one else is taking the day off from work and things seem to be going on as usually.