In honor of Mother’s Day I sat down with a woman who has a 262 (the combined ages of all her children) years of mothering wisdom to share!
#27 The Problem with American Worldview
America’s worldview is changing quickly and moving further from a Biblical understanding.
In this episode of Now is the Time I take a look at one of the most popular aspects of the new American worldview -Tolerance!
#25 Why Does Crimea Want to Be Part of Russia? -Podcast
Before you listen to this podcast you should know that it is political!
In this episode of Now is the Time I talk about Ukraine,
#24 Something Worth Dying For -Podcast
If you’ve never listened to any of my previous podcasts, this is the one you need to listen to!
#22 Did John MacArthur Go Too Far in Strange Fire? -Podcast
In this episode of Now is the Time I talk about John MacArthur’s latest book Strange Fire and the controversy surrounding it.
#21 How to Find Your Spiritual Gifts -Podcast
Do you know what your spiritual gifts are?
In this episode of Now is the Time I give you four practical steps to help you find out what your spiritual gifts are!
#20 Resolutions What They Reveal About You -Podcast
Your New Years resolutions might actually say more about you than you think!
In this episode of Now is the Time I talk about 4 truths that our resolutions reveal about ourselves and I focus on 2 tips that have helped me make good resolutions.
#18 Five Signs You Are Coveting -Podcast
Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking at our home church, Discovery Baptist. You can watch the entire sermon here,
#17 Arranged Marriages, Are They Biblical? -Podcast
No person influences your worship more than your spouse and that’s why in this week’s podcast I’m talking about the benefits of arranged marriages and the importance of choosing a spouse wisely!