In our October update I asked to you pray for our institute’s open house which we had this past Sunday and I just want to say, “thank you for praying”. Honestly we didn’t really know exactly what to expect since we have never done anything like this before.
We invited some of our students and a few youth to come and help get things decorated and pass out invitations. It was a very sunny and warm day, which is amazing considering that we are already well into October! Our goal was to connected with our neighbors and offer them to study the Bible with us using “The Story of Hope” chronological Bible study.

Fellowship over a cup of tea.
Many here are suspicious of evangelical groups and call them, “sects” nevertheless a number of neighbors came through our doors, checked out our library, talked with our staff and several said they would come to the chronological Bible study, which starts this thursday.
- Great weather even in October!
- Map showing the location of our Bible schools.
- An invitation to study the Bible with us.
- John and Misha sharing about our school.
- Fellowship over a cup of tea.
- Video interview for TV channel CNL.
- Misha answering questions.
- John answering a few questions.
Please pray that those who promised to come would come, even if it is only 2 or 3!
Pray also for wisdom for Misha as he leads this study.
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Suko Family Video Update for November | The Suko Family
November 14, 2012[…] Posted by Caleb on Wednesday, November 14, 2012 · Leave a Comment In this update you will learn about our institute’s open house. […]