Have you ever wondered why Jesus didn’t use the 4 Spiritual Laws to share the Gospel?
In this episode of Now Is the Time I explain why I think Jesus didn’t use the 4 Spiritual Laws or any other Gospel “formula”
Have you ever wondered why Jesus didn’t use the 4 Spiritual Laws to share the Gospel?
In this episode of Now Is the Time I explain why I think Jesus didn’t use the 4 Spiritual Laws or any other Gospel “formula”
A blizzard hit Ukraine just a couple of days before we planned a big outreach for the community. Sunday, January 8th is the day after Christmas here and it is when we planned a large Christmas festival in our church yard.
I’ll admit, planning our church’s first missions conference made me both a bit anxious and excited.
We weren’t sure how people would respond and who would show up.
Did you know it’s possible to give up on the Gospel too early and be unaware of what you just did?
Have you ever been in a meeting when the preacher called people forward to get saved?
Maybe you’ve experienced the “With every head bowed and every eye closed,
Simply put, “Tell the Truth” this is the best book I’ve ever read on evangelism. That’s why I decided to track down author and evangelist Will Metzter and spend some time talking with him about his classic book on sharing the Gospel.
They’ve been through a lot, they need physical healing and spiritual healing, they need Jesus. Today I’m asking you to help pray for these refugees from Eastern Ukraine.
One of the main reasons we often fail at clearly communicating the Gospel is because we make the false assumption that we already know the Gospel and we have stopped making it a serious topic of study for our own heart!
One of the most dangerous things in our churches today is people who think they’re Christians but they’re not. Many unbelieving and unrepentant people are members in good standing in churches today,
It usually takes me a day or two to recuperate after these marathon trips. Just in case you weren’t following the journey on youtube,