In this episode of “Now Is the Time” I talk about how faking ministry isn’t really as difficult as some may think and give you 7 tips that will make you look like a ministry superstar and help you climb the ecclesiastical ladder of success.
7 Mistakes Parents Make in Family Bible Time | Season 3 Episode 6
In this episode of Now Is the Time I talk about 7 mistakes that Christian parents can make during family Bible time.
I Saw Jesus and This Is What He Looks Like | Season 3 Episode 5
I haven’t told many people this but about 13 years ago I saw Jesus in person and talked with him.
Secret Life of a Missionary Kid | Season 3 Episode 4

What’s it like to live more than half of your growing up years in a foreign country?
Why Didn’t Jesus Use the 4 Spiritual Laws? | Season 3 Episode 3
Have you ever wondered why Jesus didn’t use the 4 Spiritual Laws to share the Gospel?
In this episode of Now Is the Time I explain why I think Jesus didn’t use the 4 Spiritual Laws or any other Gospel “formula”
How to Be Faithful -Interview with Stuart Briscoe | Season 3 Episode 2
It’s been nearly 70 years since Stuart Briscoe preached his first sermon, 69 to be exact but who’s counting! He’s still preaching Gospel and serving the Lord today at 86 years old!
About My Car Accident | Season 3 Episode 1
The sound of metal smacking metal usually goes straight to my stomach and leaves me feeling like I just swallowed a handful of gravel!
Sickness and Suffering, How Should Christians Respond? | Season 2 Episode 9
This is one of those episodes of that I really didn’t want to record. On the other hand I sensed God’s sovereign timing and I knew how vital it is for Christians to have a proper perspective on suffering and pain.
7 Reasons Why You Struggle with Assurance of Salvation
Recently I had a conversation with a young woman who said that she was not confident in her own salvation,
4 Reasons Why We Give up on the Gospel | Season 02 Episode 07
Did you know it’s possible to give up on the Gospel too early and be unaware of what you just did?
This Is Personal | Season 2 Episode 6
This is an unusual episode of Now Is the Time, I share with you a few personal things that are on my mind including a bunch of books that I’m reading now.
The Dangerous Practice of Exorcising Demons from Believers + Free Book | Season 2 Episode 5
I once met a girl. She was a nice girl, she often attended church services, she was active with the youth at a church,